Now What?!
Call Info & Calendar
October 12 - November 20, 2020

Three types of open Zoom calls are offered throughout the six weeks of Now What?! See below for descriptions. Many calls take place on the Main Zoom line. Click on any entry in the calendar below to confirm Zoom info.

Ceremony and Celebration Calls
Opening Gathering Call
October 12, 2020 16:00-18:00 UTC
Weekly Party Calls
Fridays @ 00:00 & 17:00 UTC
Closing Gathering Calls
November 20, 2020
02:00 and 17:00 UTC (provisional)
Photo by Timothy Meinberg on Unsplash

Now What?! Cafe
90 minute Zoom calls
Drop in any time
Weekly UTC Times:
Mon 15:00 | Tue/Wed 24:00 | Wed 19:00 | Thu 12:00
(scroll down to calendar for local times)
The Cafe is a place to...
Connect, network, and hang out
Get oriented to Now What?!
Promote your work
Exchange requests and offers
Initiate any conversation or activity you like

Open Space Calls
Over the six weeks that Now What?! takes place, participants can extend invitations to gather for action, healing, connection, and support. These often make use of Zoom, but you may employ any form of gathering and connecting that you wish, online or in-person.
In addition to "general" sessions that can be one-off events of any kind, there are two special categories of Open Space sessions:
"Field Trips & Watch Parties" are virtual gatherings to visit a special place, witness an event, or watch a recording and then talk about it together.
"Engagement Streams" involve multiple sessions over the course of Now What?! and are often hosted by a group or organization in service to their work in the world
In addition to being listed on the calendar below, Open Space invitations are highlighted via the Invitations Blog.
To be eligible to add Open Space invitations, you must first become a member of the Now What?! Collective or an organizational Partner