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Now What?!
Network Map
October 12 - November 20, 2020

Everyone who registers for Now What?! is also invited to appear on the Network Map below. Information from your registration is added immediately, and you also receive an email* with a personal link to complete a full profile if desired. The map includes:
Profile info
Contact info (if offered)
Connections you have or would like to make with other participants
Offers and requests
Gifts for the gathering
Your interest in or connection to Now What?! "Engagement Streams"
Now What?! Partner organizations and their connections with participants
Click here to open the map in a separate window.
Great thanks to Jim Best and Greater than the Sum for their support in putting this together.
*Each Now What?! participant receives a link to a survey that is used to populate the map with valuable information about themselves and their intentions for Now What?! The link is in an email from Now What?! Convening Team <>
If you cannot find this email, please contact us and we will resend it.
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