Welcome to Finding Happiness. I have a slide deck with practical exercises to increase well-being. Join to add tools to your belt!
Clubhouse: @agilempath
Alexia’s courses have a 9.7/10 on Coursemarks: https://coursemarks.com/course/covid19-culture-strategy-for-motivating-managing-your-team/
Take Alexia's online course Finding Happiness for CEU credit: https://learnformula.com/course/finding-happiness
Meets the standards of:
ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
AECENL (Association of Early Childhood Educators Newfoundland and Labrador )
AECENS (Association of Early Childhood Educators Nova Soctia )
AECEA (Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta )
AECEO (Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario )
AIA (Association of International Accountants)
BAFA (British Accounting and Finance Association)
CPAA (Certified Public Accountants Association)
CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy)
CPA ALBERTA (Chartered Professional Accountants Alberta)
CPA BRITISH COLUMBIA (Chartered Professional Accountants British Columbia)
CPA MANITOBA (Chartered Professional Accountants Manitoba)
CPA NEW BRUNSWICK (Chartered Professional Accountants New Brunswick)
CPA NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR (Chartered Professional Accountants Newfoundland & Labrador)
CPA NOVA SCOTIA (Chartered Professional Accountants Nova Scotia)
CPA ONTARIO (Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario)
CPA PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (Chartered Professional Accountants Prince Edward Island)
CPA SASKATCHEWAN (Chartered Professional Accountants Saskatchewan)
CECE (College of Early Childhood Educators )
CPA Ireland
ECCENB (Early Childhood Care & Education New Brunswick)
ECDA OF PEI (Early Childhood Development Association of PEI )
ECEBC (Early Childhood Educators of BC)
IFA (Institute of Financial Accountants)
LSA (Law Society of Alberta)
LSBC (Law Society of British Columbia)
LSM (Law Society of Manitoba)
LSNB (Law Society of New Brunswick)
LSNL (Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador)
LSN (Law Society of Nunavut)
LSO (Law Society of Ontario)
LSO (Law Society of Ontario (EDI))
LSPEI (Law Society of Prince Edward Island)
LSS (Law Society of Saskatchewan)
Law Society of the Northwest Territories
LSY (Law Society of Yukon)
CPA QUEBEC (Ordre des CPA du Québec)
SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)
ATT (The Association of Taxation Technicians)
SECA (The Saskatchewan Early Childhood Association)
Learn more about Alexia Georghiou, her Books & ART: https://linktr.ee/agilempath