Part story, part poetry and song, and part interactive process, The Prophecy is nourishment for those bringing forth a more beautiful world.

The Prophecy of the Great Brightening is a mythic experience that has been described as a “magical realism,” “kabbalistic,” “therapeutic,” and “revelatory.”
Part story, part poetry and song, and part interactive process, it is a creative experience that is unique nourishment for those who are engaged in the journey of bringing forth "the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.”
The Prophecy is intended to evolve to be a traveling theatrical experience that weaves in music and connection practices. The vision includes publishing a graphic novel and a companion web application to gamify connection practices to rebuild trust and activate flow.
The Invitation
The Prophecy is designed to be offered as a five-part experience. Its creator, Rick Feltington is looking to gather cohorts that want to participate in the full cycle. He is offering two introductory calls so people can get a taste of the Prophecy experience:
Tuesday Mar 24 18:00 UTC Info, local time and RSVP
Thursday Mar 26 11:00 UTC Info, local time and RSVP
You can also email Rick to express your interest, or use the Profile Survey on the Now What?! registration and mapping interface to indicate an interest in this "engagement stream" and/or in being part of a "home group" that experiences the Prophecy together.
About Rick Feltington
Rick facilitates connection and flow through storytelling, poetic expression, musical play and soul expression practices that promote listening, connection, and awareness around themes of cultural and personal transformation. For more, see his profile the Now What?! Network Map.