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Click on any event in the calendar below for call-in details, to RSVP, and to add it to your own calendar via the "share" option.  
[Link to o
pen the calendar in its own window]


Items are being added to this calendar on an ongoing basis right up until Earth Day begins. 


Pink events on the calendar below are hosted by the Now What?! Collective as part of Sonic Spring. 


Yellow events are offered by others and have been selected by the Collective as "field trips" for Sonic Spring participants.

Image: in Gaia's Eyes, Tom Brown 2017

Sonic Spring is part of the Now What?! global gathering from March 23-April 30 on the art of being fully human in a time of crisis.  The gathering is a commons and gift economy for collectively navigating the complexity of our times, in order to support action, build community, foster healing, and unleash generosity.
More info here
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